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Old 02-21-2009, 09:33 PM   #17
FF Loremaster
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 4 Times
Others have said it, I'll say it again. Airshots are only cool. They're nothing other than that. The only time airshots are useful is when you can juggle a player in the air. Generally, that's only happening against soldiers and maybe a pyro. Either way, it's not happening in any real reliable way.

It's far better to learn to mitigate movement as a soldier. A soldier will always dominate a scout if the soldier knows how to play his class. The reason is because the scout has nothing to deal with a soldiers knowledge of how to mitigate speed.

Also, it's far better to waste the enemies time than to kill them right away. I am, of course, talking about serious levels of play. Every second you waste of your enemies time the less time they'll have. If you kill a person right away they'll just be back sooner. Doing some damage and stopping his movement, and then finishing him off before he does something else is the best way to do things.

With that said, the most efficient thing to do as a soldier is to fire at the legs of an enemy and fire again once he hits the ground. This will juggle him without relying on air shots to juggle.

Mainly, scouts don't like a soldier that knows what they are doing.
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