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Old 11-20-2010, 01:58 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by Crazycarl View Post
Finding the right values is tough, and here's why: what plays well in one map or situation can be horrible in another. As an example, let's use sg push. You can come up with a value that keeps demos from mirv-rushing effectively, but then maybe it ruins conc jumpers by landing a single shot. You can counter that by making it track slower, but then it becomes way too easy for scouts to strafe and conc past.
I realize it's not a 1:1 formula, but SPECIFICALLY what is wrong with TFC approximate push values? The answer I generally see to this question is a vague "FF is not TFC" without any other explanation.

You've said before that you personally are not sure why the sg push was nerfed so heavily, fine. Elmo doesn't seem to know this either, and I haven't seen one dev say in no uncertain terms WHY it was nerfed all to hell.

Since this is one of the bigger balance skewing changes in the game where nobody seems to know why it exists in the first place, what's the PROBLEM with upping the push values to TFC levels? What magically stops working in FF that DID work in TFC when that happens?

I don't understand this "let's just keep shooting in the dark and hope it turns out well" approach when:

1. Obviously a lot of players were happy with TFC values and that's such an obvious model to work off of.

2. The push values were broken 2 years ago and over the course of 4 patches since, they've only been changed ONCE to something that's still awful.

I think if you guys were actually serious about testing it, the 2.1 changes never would have happened, and there would have been many revisions since then if they did anyway.

I'm not saying TFC values are perfect and there's no room for improvement. I'm saying that THEY worked fine across all gamemodes in TFC, so if you guys can't decide what values are good for ff AND and have been willing to leave broken ones in place for essentially 2 years, what's the problem with rolling back values that were clearly better? What's stopping you? One person who doesn't regularly defend against soldiers and demoman without team support (i.e. pubs) saying the values are fine, therefore there's no community consensus?
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