Thread: Blockscape
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Old 04-28-2013, 10:31 AM   #7
worst ff player eu
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Y'know, after dl'ing Blockscape, I just started playing Minecraft again. What they're doing with the script blocks seems cool, what with the new scoreboard and teams features (yay, built in friendly fire controls), but it still takes a shit ton of time to get used to. I mean, really, I've pretty much made a mini version of a MOBA, 'cept it has no creeps, cause I can't mod.

Got your team spawns at the corners of the map, team shops at the other corners, and secret shops beneath the waterfalls.

Also, why am I just posting about MC.

Sigh. Sucks how the Blockscape demo doesn't get updated. I'd prolly love the Creative in that.

Anyway, can you even craft in Blockscape? I mean, I have no idea how to get wood planks or cobblestone (didn't even know they existed) till I saw an image.
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