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Old 07-14-2010, 04:57 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Dexter View Post
shit. i gotta be online to play a game I was going to play online. UGHH BOYCOT DRM

edit: While online on steam. Posting online on a forum about it. FFFFFFFF
Well how else are you suppose to tell the creators that you don't want crap DRM? Telling them on forums? Been there done that.

Maybe if enough people talked with their wallets when crap DRM is put into games like this maybe there wouldn't be crap DRM.

And why should there be DRM in side of DRM, because thats exactly what steam is, its DRM.

At least with steam if there is no connection it goes into offline mode and you can still play and save.

Now onto why having DRM like this to even play multiplayer player is stupid. Though this game from my understanding is not just multiplayer, but also single player. Most of the following reasons are for single player but some can apply to multiplayer.

Net drops out for a second, you lose your game.
Want to play outside but wireless connection is not good, can't play.
Want to play in a plane or train or car or bus going to work or what ever with no net connection, can't play.
Got a modem? there goes your time.
Got a low bandwidth cap? There goes that.
Power went out, no net connection? Can't play.
Something wrong with the DRM servers (down, too many people trying to connect, or what ever), can't play.

Not everyone has unlimited high speed, always on internet connection. I know a few people in the US who are still on modems, one guy just got a wireless connection which is limited to 5 gigs a month.

And even if someone has it, it doesn't mean that they accept DRM like Ubisoft crap that they are putting on their games.

I could go on, but whats the sense, you've made up your mind that DRM is good and can't actually hurt when thats all it really does is hurt the paying legal consumer.

Even with a free weekend I won't let crap like that on my system because who knows what else gets put on there to "protect" their game.
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