Thread: FF Tournament
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Old 11-03-2010, 07:05 AM   #173
Bridget's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Don't sweat it, Jack. The success of a tournament requires a group effort. Churchmouth just doesn't understand that point. Fortunately for you, I can translate your point into pickupanese. Let's attempt to make communication.

add up bro add up bro come on add to the pickup don't be a faggot bro wow bro your conc aim is like so bad man like wow dude you are so bad at fortress forever hey guys you guys want to play pickups with the same guys all day long non-stop bro let's hit up a pub wow bro pyros are fucking gay I am so pro but I can't shoot a class that has to practically run at me to damage me bro add up don't be gay hey chef sup yeah ban bridget 'cause he's stylin' on me nah nah nah add up bro add up let's play a pickup on destroy on destroy vote 1 vote 2 vote 3 herp a derp a derp a derp a hurp durp ping pang OH GOD I AM NOT GOOD WITH COMPUTER <leadmine> yo don't run plank 'cause I can't deal with you </leadmine>
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