Thread: Blockscape
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Old 04-15-2013, 03:25 PM   #2
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Boo, no-one's pirated it yet. Dx JK.

Seems cool. I vowed never to promote a Minecraft clone, so unless they truly separate it from Minecraft (oh look, 10 item bar, where have we seen that before - oh look, smooth stone, grass and sand make up the outer landscape, where have we seen that before), I won't buy it.

But anyway, the smaller blocks seem good (although you can get various Minecraft mods that do just that).

The lighting is a really strong point. Everything gives a warm glow, and it is one of the best things about this.

However, I've just looked on the site. There's an in-development version which features all the blocks fading into one another. That would be awesome.

EDIT: Downloaded the demo, and I can take back what I said about 10 icons.

There's 12, 6 are for your inventory blocks, and 6 contain placement styles (the slants).

The problem I have with it, is that it takes SO DAMN LONG TO MINE. (also, cause it's in alpha, having no health doesn't kill you)

I can stand, punching the fuck outa a tree for 2 minutes, and it destroys 16 blocks. 4 Blockcraft blocks are a metre. 1 Minecraft block is a metre. It takes the same amount of time to mine 1 Minecraft block as it does 1 Blockcraft block. Therefore: Mining in Blockcraft takes about 64 times as long. God damn it.

I'd have something good to say about the game if I could play God mode (creative). But it's locked in the demo, so fuck that. And no-one cares enough about this to pirate it. So, I guess I ain't playing this till someone does so I can try the real game.
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive

Last edited by ddm999; 04-15-2013 at 04:14 PM.
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