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Old 04-22-2006, 06:33 AM   #113
Retired FF Staff
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Those are good points. I might update my journal to reflect some of those points and how they affect the mod community. Like, for example, some mods have umpteen highly experienced modders and/or industry professionals, whereas our mod is 90% TFC players and most of us are inexperienced modders. We are lucky to have so many dedicated team members, but in my opinion our status as a non-original mod has limited the spectrum of applicants (the vast majority of our applicants are TFC players or inexperienced or both). People probably don't want a non-original mod on their CV if they can have a new and original mod with established modders working on it. This is both a curse -- can't seem to recruit additional texture and prop artists amongst others -- and a blessing -- I'd say our guys are far less likely to jump ship to other mods because they're generally dedicated to the cause; we're all making something we want to play.

The point regarding trying to emulate the professionals and realise big ideas (as an actual pastime as opposed to trying to get a job off the back of it) is also an interesting one and one that I hadn't really given much thought to.
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