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Old 01-12-2010, 04:25 AM   #30
Join Date: Mar 2007
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your damn right i play sniper cuse it gets me easy kills, im good at it and for me i can dominate every player in the map, thats why i play it. but at what point does it become the oppoents responsibility to adapt and adjust to the snipers ability? a good player can make it into my base and onto my battlements without me even noticing, even on ardvark. as a sniper i look at the most populated areas for targets there are suprisingly few people that take a 2 second detour to avoid my crosshair.

without the knowledge of a sniper there is no need to think about your entry into the base, it is a simple conc nothing more, time and time again, because guess what, nothing can touch a concing scout (in pub play) but a great sniper.

so when do the opposing players have to own up to their share of the blame, they are making it easy for the sniper and therefore the sniper is making easy kills. the best snipers in the game can be snuck up on, they do miss, and they do die. it is up to the other team to do that, sure its hard but thats no reason to get rid of the class as it is. the sniper adds a sense of stratagy and balance to a yard that would otherwise be an orgy of granades, concs, and shotties.

i understand your argument with the other games you play, but FF is different from those games, players expect to go fast and do what they want to do quickly, and when that is stopped most players just stop trying. there are endless ways to kill a sniper the way he is now. and there are plently of ways to get the first shot on a sniper, and to sneak up on a sniper, snipers give a sense of challenge to the mid map that could not be replaced by any existing class and would otherwise be non existant.

also i apologize for a personal attack on your character, it was out of line and not my intention.

Last edited by SSCUJO; 01-12-2010 at 04:26 AM.
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