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Old 10-28-2012, 04:46 PM   #19
Beta Tester
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I didn't read most of this thread but on the topic of medpacks: how about if there's medpacks lying around the player a medkit symbol appears on the hud with an arrow pointing to the location of them? This would be beneficial to both the medic who is dropping valuable medpacks and doesn't want them to die of loneliness somewhere on the ground and the target who needs some hp and is wondering if there's a medpack around. If people wouldn't like this you could always put an option to turn it off in the fortress options. Just a thought.
[[ ff_hotfudge - bhop_theonlyone ]]
"As the the new year approaches I await for it like an case of explosive fecalomania otherwise know as diareha or the massive shits. I am gripping the sides of the toilet as my stomach produces the first hollow thud out of the anus of the year to come." DarkeN_HellspawN
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