Thread: Pyro Thread
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:42 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by FDA_Approved View Post
I still don't see why it's a cop out. Pyro is hated in every fortress game, why can't we be the innovators that get rid of it. We could even replace it with a new class.

Look the worst part about the pyro is the fucking fire. How do you fix that? You don't. You can only rework the class until it's not a pyro anymore.

Afterburn is fucking stupid. So is staring at people with your flamethrower. No arbitrary set of rules is gonna make it fun to play against.
sounds like another person, who can't handle dieing in an FPS...

the problem is the devs haven't fixed the pyro rather just ignored it and this is what happens when you ignore a class that has a problem. It gradually works it way out of the game. pyro should and can be balanced and reintroduced into the game. without the pyro what counters the spy... nothing? there is no effective way to weed out spys without them and frankly that is part of the reason why fortress games have an intricate balance between its 9 classes I think removing 1 has costly effects to game play. like if we removed hwguy we have to rebalanced everything to fill the void it leaves. instead of just balancing 1 class.

also just note i would miss the pyro not how he is in ff but rather his presence on the battlefield.
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Last edited by WiFiDi; 07-07-2012 at 10:49 PM.
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