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Old 08-17-2005, 07:24 AM   #95
Retired FF Staff
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Hehe I've been getting to grips with the GL as assault, too. It's pretty fucking deadly with a bit of practice -- you can potentially kill people at any range. Yesterday on the map with the mosque, there was a guy firing at me from miles, MILES away using the armoured truck with the top mounted gun. I hit him in the FACE with the GL when I could barely see him because he was so far away. I just popped up over the barrier, fired the GL and then went prone again.. 4 secs later, the kill confirm comes up. Eat grenade, bitch.

Also had an ace game on um, dragon valley, 64 player. We had our entire squad camping the point that is far north, with points to the east, north and west (the little point with the pier and a square wall running around a temple thingy). We had a support guy, a medic and a couple of anti-tank soldiers. I got 17 kills in a row on armour leaving the enemy bases on either side. Guiding anti-tank missiles against slow moving armour is fairly easy, but obviously it's a lot harder to hit fast-moving cars from miles away (still got a couple though when they stopped to take potshots ). Any time a heli came to hunt us down, we'd just go prone and he couldn't get close enough to kill us with his rockets, then we'd pop up and rape the heli with anti-tank fire the moment he started to stay still. Awesome fun.

Hah and Jesse & Jon can't laugh at me anymore, as I've learned to fly!
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