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Old 02-15-2005, 07:56 AM   #3
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Re: Physics Questions/Discussion

Originally Posted by SoBe Green
In TFC as far as I can tell there aren't any huge differences in how far your thrown. It seems most classes are "pushed" at about the same speed with some slight differences in the distance. For example a scout will be thrown pretty far while a HW most of the time is just pushed back a few notches. With these new physics will the scout have a slight distance benefit from concing over the medic? I've done a few tests and while they aren't really accurate from what I can tell in height the scout and medic rank pretty close. It would seem to make a little more sense if a scout was thrown a little more up and forward than the medic was. Maybe it is already like this in TFC I don't know. My tests consisted of loading a concmap and conc jumping straight up and spraying the wall in front of me at the height of my jump. Not very accurate I know.
The medic and the scout both jump upwards with the same speed, so they will both jump to the same height with conc acceleration regardless of their weight. We only let the source physics system affect the game where we choose it to do so.

I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be using the same system as TFC in which each class moves at its own set speed. But out of pure curiosity I'm going to ask anyway. Will there be any weapon weight at all? An example of this can be seen in CS. Maybe not to that severe degree, but will there be any difference in speed -at all- compared to having the AC out or having the shotgun out?
Even in a realistic mod, it is largely nonsensical. What happens to the heavy gun when it's not equipped? The character must still carry it regardless. If anything, the unwieldiness would result in a loss of mobility in terms of being able to turn around quickly more than anything else. Weighted weapons have no place in a non-realistic mod such as TF. The only time they do appear (HW firing etc.) is when balance requires it.

Ragdolls/Gibs + Detpacks
I know its been said that there will be both ragdolls, gibs, and something else we haven't been told yet (which I'm guessing is a mixture of both) depending on the death type. This was brought up in another thread and it had me wondering. Currently in TFC if you are on or near a detpack when it explodes, you gib. Will this be the same or will we maybe see a "CS Bomb Explosion" effect consisting of flying ragdolls? And then for ragdolls themselves we are back to the weight question. Will the dead bodies take on the weight of the class that they were? For example if you shot a dead scout with an RPG would it fly further than a dead HW? Lastly, will the ragdolls/gibs be catching fire in anyway shape or form?
We're still discussing this. It can be either depending on what we decide. Bear in mind that in most cases, gibs occur when a certain amount of damage is taken. The detpack does ~1200-1300 damage, most other weapons inflict a fraction of that. Gibs would be the most sensible solution, though we could implement an arbitrary falloff that still does the same damage, but changes the distance at which someone is gibbed or not. I.e. the detpack's impact would remain precisely the same, but people on the edges of the blast would die via ragdolls instead.

Ultimately, we can do whatever we like in most cases. It's just a case of figuring out what is the best for gameplay and in terms of effects, what looks coolest / makes more sense
Fortress Forever.
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