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Old 01-10-2012, 08:04 PM   #10
Join Date: Nov 2010
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 38 Times
Ive been playing alot more pub fortress forever recently, and I think I know the REAL problem with this game.

Every day, I see tons of people, 20-30, who join this game for the first time. None of them stay. People play for 30 minutes, leave FF and never come back.

The problem, I believe, is lack of tutorials and guides. Let's take a game like Team Fortress 2. Although it has very little guides, it is a game that is extremely easy to play and requires no explanation to get into. Fortress Forever, on the other hand, is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for new players. I see new players going scout and attempting to play it like they would TF2, because NO ONE TELLS THEM SCOUT ISNT A DEATHMATCH CLASS.

The Fortress Forever training mode was a step in the right direction. Its great. I have friends who have never played a real fortress game and have done the training mode, and who can now bunnyhop and conc jump to a certain extent. Despite this, when new players join, I ask them if they have done the training mode and 90% of them say that they did not even know about it or did not bother doing it! I feel that, not only should Fortress Forever have more tutorials covering a wider range of gameplay aspects, but they should HAVE A NOTIFICATION that encourages people to view the tutorial.

Imagine this: You install the game for the first time. You press join server. A small box pops up, stating that since it is your first time playing you should view the tutorial to learn about the core gameplay elements. There would be a button that directly goes to the tutorial, a button that says "No Thanks, I think I can learn on my own" and there should be a checkbox that says "Never show this again". That way, people will at least be aware of the tutorial. If someone completes the tutorial, the notification should be disabled. If someone presses "No Thanks", it should pop up next time they restart the game. To me its an extremely simple addition that would increase the amount of new players actually staying and playing the game.

Also, absolute, HUGE PROBLEM. I checked out the facebook page, and your download links do not download the full installer, THEY DOWNLOAD THE 2.43 TO 2.44 PATCH! FIX IT NOW, OR THE FACEBOOK PAGE WILL BE USELESS. (EDIT: SQUEEK HAS APPARENTALLY FIXED THIS.)

Last edited by oaties; 01-10-2012 at 08:31 PM.
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