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Old 12-13-2009, 06:50 PM   #123
FF Loremaster
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 4 Times
So I've been playing this game for. fucking. ever and I'm still not tired of it.

My back and neck hurts, I feel sick, but this game is just fucking crazy. This is the first time I've ever felt like ass from playing a game for too long.

On the plus side, I finally beat Penetrator, the four black phantoms, the red and blue dragon, and now I'm working to kill this king dude.

Also, I fought a guy on a bridge. I held the line. I took the bridge. Fucking. Epic.

However, I've found that I've done a lot of grinding =\. You don't have to ~ you're not forced to grind. I could be exploring other areas Metroid style, like 3-1 which is a dark prison filled with Cthulhu styled mind-fuckers (or like D&D mind flayers... same thing, yeah?) that roam the dark halls with bleak lanterns which barely draw light. Once you are spotted, they relentlessly attack, casting paralyzing spells which they use to grasp you with their tentacled face. Once in their hands they will open their gaping maw and a spike will protrude from it. You will feel your life essence drain slowly. And you will die a slow and painful death.

Or, you can wait for them to turn their backs to you and charge at them with your caveman ass and beat the fuck out of their skulls.

And take their loot.

And then you will come across a multi-leveled iron maiden which shoots arrows the length of buses down a bridge you have to cross. I've got not clue how to cross that fucking bridge either.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Ronald Reagan
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