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Old 07-17-2009, 06:06 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 2 Times
So, should every player who enters the server spawn in the interrigation room, or does this only happen in the first 30 seconds?

This only happens in the first 30 seconds.After that the interrigation room respawn is disabled.

In this escape style map theres only 1 team and 1 class.
{team yellow} {class civillian}.

Basicly when 2 player join the map as it starts they automaticly spawn in the interrigation room,Where they cant move.And are interrigated for 30 seconds.
Then a voice says lets get out of here.Then every one automaticly spawns into the dungen room,Where the game starts.Now say a third player joins the game they will now respawn in to the dungen room.

So if a player dies,they will respawn in the dungen room.

As the players get to the next level/cargo bay room,They trigger the next respawns.In the cargo bay room.

And the dungen room respwans gets disabled,Now say a forth player joins the game they will respawn in the cargo bay room.And when a player dies they will now respawn in the cargo bay room.

I believe the spawns would be global.Once a triggerd, at a level there will only be 1 respawns that will work for the hole team.Until the next level respawns are activated.

To break it down the first respawn would use the logic entity with a timmer.
The other respwans would use a trigger.

Heres what the LUA file looks like now.

-- ff_k_thegameb1.lua

-- includes
-- global overrides

function startup()

-- set up team names
SetTeamName( Team.kBlue, "NONE" )
SetTeamName( Team.kRed, "NONE" )
SetTeamName( Team.kYellow, "NONE" )
SetTeamName( Team.kGreen, "WORKERS" )

-- set up team limits
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kBlue, -1 ) -- NONE.
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kRed, -1 ) -- NONE.
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kYellow, -1 ) -- NONE.
SetPlayerLimit( Team.kGreen, 0 ) -- THE WORKERS HAVE TO ESCAPE.

team = GetTeam( Team.kGreen )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kScout, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSniper, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSoldier, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kDemoman, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kMedic, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kHwguy, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kPyro, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kSpy, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kEngineer, -1 )
team:SetClassLimit( Player.kCivilian, 0 )


I just need to know where the code goes.

Thanks for the quick replay Crazycarl and Dr.Satan

[are you meaning that you want to spawn at one location first...and then IF you pass a certain point they spawn somewhere else or WHEN they pass a certain point?]

The respawns are for the hole team Like in dustbowl whe a team captures the flag both teams respwan to the next level.

Inthis map the team respawns in the location where it was triggerd.

Teleport will not work because of the many player would just fuse together.

I believe the original Auther made it this way because of the large area that a player would have to go through every time they died.

To have to start at the beging of the map every time they died would get boreing after a few attempts.

80% of the classis TFC escape maps use the multiple respawns.

Last edited by VEXEMP; 07-17-2009 at 06:20 PM. Reason: spelling
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