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Old 04-09-2009, 10:43 PM   #16
Bridget's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Class/Position: Soldier
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The Sniper gets his hand held by the Developers and Admins. No, don't shoot at the Snipers and protect yourself, because that's considered spawn spam or camping; because Snipers tend to camp near their spawn to exploit this stupidity and so they can move back into position quickly. They're the strongest class in the game, in a sense.

All you have to do is hide behind a wall, charge up a full shot, and you can now kill every class (-hw?) in the game in one hit. If that isn't enough for you, aim at the head, where you can kill someone in one hit with only half the charge. Isn't enough for you? Shoot them in the leg. Cool! Now they're slowed down! Not slow enough? Stack the slow by popping them in the leg again. Awesome! Now they're fuckin' snail-pace. Now you can spam them in the head until they die. Oops! They got away. Too bad for them, though, my team knows where they are now to hunt them down and slaughter them. Sentry guns also shoot at them even if they were disguised, thanks to my Radio Tag.

Remove the legshot and radiotag, and I think the frustration from people would go down some, but not to a reasonable level. The Sniper has enough with his sniper rifle to take down pretty much every class, so why give him extra abilities? If you manage to make it across the yard from a Sniper, you have to deal with possible legshot or a radio tag? That's bullshit. You should be rewarded with not having to deal with anymore shit from the Sniper if you miraculously escape his fire. Bullshit, again, The Sniper will kill you, whether directly or indirectly.

Technically, the Sniper makes no point in this game, though. FF is about close-quarters combat where everyone has a chance to deal some damage. Where whether a player survives or dies is relevant to how skillfull he is. If a Sniper slugs someone in the leg then the head from behind some bushes across the map, there is no evaluation or comparison of skill. The Sniper's advantage is not skill, like every other class. It's the game holding his fucking hand with its shitty far-away-from-how-ff-should-be-played gamestyle.

There's also some bitching on the Sniper side. If you get a Scout or two to toss concs at the enemy sniper, its suddenly 'cheap' and 'not part of the game'. Toss a few gas nades up at the camping fuck, and suddenly you're spamming his spawn. Cloak around the exit of his spawn and wait to shank him in the back, spawn camping. I do agree it's bullshit to think you HAVE to be protected until you enter the enemy base, but it's equally bullshit to think you are immune to the very few situations where an enemy gets close enough to harm you.
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