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Old 03-02-2010, 08:26 PM   #11
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Pardon my absence but I was in South Carolina with Habitat for Humanity over my reading week.
Originally Posted by Scuzzy View Post
I also believe that the representation that all Christians are the ones up in arms over government run healthcare is completely false, most of the democrats in congress (including the president) are also labeled as Christians. This is not a religious issue.
It isn't religious at the core, but religious people tend to make decision according to their beliefs. The fact is that in almost all the developed world healthcare is available and less people slip through the cracks. If there isn't public overage of healthcare, how are people who can't afford it or who are excluded from it due to the terms of the insurance (see Uber's picture) going to get treatment?

I have heard of charity, but I remain highly skeptical that something as disorganized as charity could address medical concerns nationwide without bias or massive inefficiency.

Don't you have any concerns about the fact that private healthcare essentially puts people's health into the world of business? The last thing I would want is to throw health into the same arena as other peoples desire to make and save money.
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