Thread: L4D Thread
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Old 11-29-2008, 10:54 PM   #206
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Originally Posted by teh_rape
kill your team and play by yourself then.
The AI director is trash and doesn't actually do what it's advertised to do. You always get hordes of enemies when enemies come. Otherwise, yes, I would do that. Instead, I have to rely on poorly made AI if I don't have anything other than the optimized 4 players. 3 players and 1 AI is not fun. Not in Versus, not in Campaign, nadda.

In related news, my dad has played the game to the point where he knows what is coming next. "Pipe bombs will be in this next room." "The witch is going to be on top of the ladder. Don't go up it, take the stairs instead."

How does he know? Because the director is terrible and nothing is random.

Sigh. Easily the worst valve product since Ricochet.

Edit: Also in related news: The AI is just really bad. I can't get over how poor it is. Lets stand in a group as a tank runs up to a car. Would players ever, EVER stand together when facing a tank in a wide open area? Would they stand together, standing completely still, shooting a tank as he runs up to a car, hits attack on the car, messes the attack up, and then hits the car in to both of them?

No. Never.

The number of times this has happened to me is nearly equal to the number of games I've played. God damn why is the AI so bad?

Also, I found out that the AI does indeed do friendly fire. The thing is, it doesn't damage you. Instead, it just jerks your camera a bit. Fantastic. A cheating AI. Weird how my complaints about AI always come full circle.
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