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Old 11-28-2013, 10:09 PM   #7
worst ff player eu
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: South Yorks., England
Class/Position: o - no, d - scout
Gametype: IvDZ
Posts Rated Helpful 18 Times
I think you should remove this:
-- If either team has no players, then exit. Just one person running about shouldn't get boxed up.
if (blue:Count() == 0) or (red:Count() == 0) or (green:Count() == 0) or (yellow:Count() == 0) then
AddSchedule("respawnall", 1 , respawnall)

It skips game winning if any team has 0 players, meaning it'll only work with 4 players (one per team). That code is part of CheckTeamAliveState, so it is run on a kill.

If I'm right, then with 2 players your game isn't actually working, and neither team will be getting points, messages, etc. It will just reset in 1 second (should reset in 3 with points added, a message onscreen and a bloop sound effect).

-- If there aren't 2 players, speed up respawn and disable points for the 1 person / no-one.
if (blue:Count() + red:Count() + green:Count() + yellow:Count() < 2) then
AddSchedule("respawnall", 1 , respawnall)

If everything I've said before works, plonk this in where the old code was. Bear in mind that if there are 2+ players, but they are on the same team, it will causes the team to receive points if one suicides. I may be able to make some code tomorrow that only allows teams with the least players to be picked to be joined.

Hope this works for you.
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive
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