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Old 02-05-2010, 05:19 AM   #47
Bridget's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Class/Position: Soldier
Gametype: AVD
Affiliations: TALOS
Posts Rated Helpful 5 Times
  • The jump pad could use a timer. (It glows when available)
  • The jump pad could have a use limit.
  • The jump pad could 'recharge'. Jumping too soon means little push. You must wait for a full recharge for max push.
  • The jump pad could have a 100% when built. Heavier classes waste more charge jumping, 0% = blows up
  • Jumping on the jump pad with a primed grenade = force causes you to drop nade
  • Jump pad can be unidirectional, specified by the Scout, not as dynamic as it is.
  • Sabotage jump pads. Throws players in random directions.
  • 'jump pad fatigue' can't use weapons or nades for x seconds after jump

The jump pad can't be interacted with right now. Once it's down (which is relatively easy to make happen. Some maps allow you to set them up at the gates on avd) then the enemy is almost guaranteed increased mobility unless the defense can cover the jump pad. So, here are some suggestions further:
  • Players can damage jump pad.
  • EMPS waste jump pad charge.
  • Enemy can jump on the pad and waste charge or delay its usage.
  • Detpacks clear the immediate area of jump pads, reducing them to debris.
  • If an enemy is standing on the jump pad, it can't be used.

Here's a reworking for the jump pad to slow it down if remains as it is: The Scout can rotate the jump pad when he has it out (pressing the deploy button aims it in the Scout's direction) and place it. Once it's placed, a little arrow at the front of the jump pad moves from left to center to right and loops through this. In order to propel yourself straight forward, you must line it up flush with the intended direction.

If not that, the lighted corners of the Jump Pad can slowly get brighter and more intense before settling back to a dark and dim setting. This gauges how powerful the push is, meaning you'll be spending some time trying to jump when it's at its brightest and most intense. I don't know about these ideas, though, because they seem more about luck and distraction than anything intuitive and entertaining. I'll throw them out anyway.

Last edited by Bridget; 02-05-2010 at 05:38 AM.
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