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Old 03-05-2008, 07:44 AM   #47
Lt Llama
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times
Dear LUD's!

I got 2 problems I can't seem to figure out with the quad lua:
1. How do I know when a player goes spectator?
function player_spawn( player_entity ) doesnt work for that as you don't "spawn" as spectator. Is there a forward to see when someone changes to spectator? I need it to remove the custom quad hud icon for specs.

2. The hud icon use a vtf and a vmt file but I can't get them to upload to the clients. The res file looks like this:

    "maps/conc_adam.bsp"	"file"
    "maps/conc_adam.txt"	"file"
    "maps/conc_adam.lua"	"file"
    "materials/vgui/hud_quad.vtf"	"file"
    "materials/vgui/hud_quad.vmt"	"file"
I can't find any lua that uploads custom icons, so there is no examples.
I know, maybe I should pick another folder than materials/vgui as thats the main mod folder. I will change that. How do you precache custom content like this?


-- base_quad.lua

-- Quad icon

hudicon = "hud_quad"
hudx = 5
hudy = 110
hudw = 48
hudh = 48
huda = 1
hudstatusicon = "hud_quad.vtf"

-- Set hud icon at spawn

function player_spawn( player_entity )
	local player = CastToPlayer( player_entity )
	local class = player:GetClass()
    	if class == Player.kSoldier or class == Player.kDemoman then
	    if player:GetTeamId() ~= Team.kRed then
		RemoveHudItem( player, hudstatusicon )
		AddHudIcon(player, hudicon, hudstatusicon, hudx, hudy, hudw, hudh, huda)
	    RemoveHudItem( player, hudstatusicon )

-- Set quad and invul when damage is taken by soldier and demoman
-- on red team

function player_ondamage( player, damageinfo )
    if player:GetTeamId() ~= Team.kRed then return end
    local class = player:GetClass()
    if class == Player.kSoldier or class == Player.kDemoman then
	local damageforce = damageinfo:GetDamageForce()
	damageinfo:SetDamageForce(Vector( damageforce.x * 4, damageforce.y * 4, damageforce.z * 4))
	damageinfo:SetDamage( 0 )
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