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Old 07-31-2006, 07:41 PM   #61
o_bumgravy's Avatar
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i mean the teleport exit is going to be fsuspended quite high up in the air with a cushioned landing, like into a pond or something. so instead of defenders keeping back attackers who charge out of a gate, the attackers will be falling from the sky from a portal. gameplay wise this means they wont really be able to be spammed in - but theyll still have a difficult time staying alive, as sentries will be tracking them as soon as they teleport, and they wont know where the defenders are. of course, if you pile enough people through at the same time you cant all be shot out of the air, but youll still get spammed when you hit the ground! the key will be accurate firing as you are falling through the air getting shot at. i think itll be lots of fun.
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