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Old 08-09-2007, 10:34 PM   #91
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Salination, pollution, and entrainment don't have to do with overpopulation; they have to do with desalination. But I was right about you not caring anyway.

Evaporation and condensation of seawater is not an effective desalination process, solar induced or otherwise, simply because the amount of water it produces and length of time it takes. By all means, however, use it for your household.

I don't know why one would not like Earth replenishing water. The problem, of course, arises because there is more demand than can be replenished. It's pretty simple mathematics to figure out that when more people want a slowly renewable commodity (oil, e.g.), the supply will run out within a matter of time. The scarcity of freshwater is well documented. That's all there is to it.

I haven't the right to dictate other's lives. If you want to control population, you have to do so with full regards to human rights. But the problem isn't state-enforced abortions. The premise of your question is wrong and simply loaded. The idea isn't that we abort the babies, the idea is that they don't come to conception in the first place. But again, the problem is twofold. To slow depletion of resources is probably more desirable than actual population control. Global warming, a large contributor to drought and water shortages, is something that can quickly exacerbate a problem. Just simple conservation is also highly effective, economically and environmentally.

Two links I suggest if you're interested in both demographic entrapment and carrying capacity (and a lot of reading) are here, here and here

There are what's called Cairo Conferences, which discuss the issue of population and population control.
Some links that relate to the conferences and population control:

One would think a simple task would be, well, simple. Maybe not for simpletons.

Last edited by uBeR; 08-09-2007 at 10:39 PM.
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