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Old 03-21-2010, 06:29 AM   #69
FF Loremaster
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I've watched a good number of videos of 'pros' playing and I'm kinda... .

I mean, it looks great visually, the animations are smooth and crisp but... there seems to lack any strategic depth. Like, each faction has one or two BO's that ever get used and it's more up to the execution of the BO and less up to, say, the micromanagement, the tactical decisions (very few people ever put their units in those smoke plume walls as an example... I don't even know if those do anything but it seems like they obscure vision), or the more basic decisions of boom/tech/rush.

Every single Terran I've seen play goes infantry and siege tanks. I rarely see transports (often paired with those guys that shoot fire... are they firebats? they look different), ghosts... hell, I don't even know if they have any Science Vessels. Never sene one.

Zerg players tend to play in a lot of different ways, but I can't ever really seem to see much of a difference between the units.

And I don't even know what the 'Toss are doing. I've seen like two games with them in it and both times they get those three legged walker units that don't seem to do much of anything other than look terrifying and then they die.

I dunno. I get the same vibe from Supreme Commander 2. There seems little in the room for tactical choices. Kind of like with Red Alert 3.

If somebody can show me some play of various 'out of the box' strategies that are viable I'll probably be interested, but I haven't seen much in terms of originality yet. Somebody show me something fun.
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