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Old 05-26-2012, 12:00 AM   #52
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If Paul doesn't get the nomination, then I personally would be voting for the Libertarian Party.

It's looking like the LP could be on all 50 states' ballots this year, so if the pro-Paul people got behind a Libertarian, then we could have the highest amount of votes for a third-party since Ross Perot, and maybe the first time a state has been won by a third-party since George Wallace in the 1968 election. Gary polled well in New Mexico back when he was a Republican candidate, so that would be the best bet.

Still, it would be a long shot, as it would require the R3volution to get behind the Libertarian Party, which they have so far seemed reluctant to do.

Anyway, I hope it doesn't have to come to this anyway as Ron Paul should be elected the Republican nominee if the conventions continue to go his way, as they have so far.
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