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Old 12-06-2007, 05:22 PM   #60
get off my lawn
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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If we want to help FF, first we have to identify the problem or problems we want to solve.

Too small a playerbase, including league participation.

How do we fix this?
A) Get the word out to more people.

Grass-roots is awesome, but we dont have many roots right now. As mentioned before FF needs a dedicated PR guy to get some attention for FF, and attract more people.
But if people are interested and they go to, all they will see is old media from beta and concept that might not have even made it into the current version. so...

B) Update the site.
News, dev journals, something on the front page should be added at least once a week. Following release, it was more than six weeks before the next news post. That's bad.
The site itself needs to be updated. The FAQ and info havent been updated since long before release was announced. The media is all concerned with development, showing off models that werent yet useable, with a small section of beta screens. Rework that whole section with fresh material. I'd reccommend redoing it by class, with shots of each class, their weapons, posed shots (along the lines of those nice ones GhostBuster did elsewhere) and some in game of the action and carnage. Then perhaps a general chaos screenshot section, and maybe an updated maps section showing released maps with overviews and up to date pics of the map.

C) Keep any new players attracted by helping them in game, showing them some of the cool things like conc, nade, pipe-jumping, sabotaging, three-level burnination. An orientation type welcome to FF map with bots has been mentioned alot, but we cannot rely on a feature that is WIP... Perhaps someone should draft a short, interesting guide to FF that is aimed specifically at newcomers to FF or TF in general. In game, help noobs! If you see an enemy spy being obvious and running around with a crowbar, let them know that you can see a crowbar and its obvious they are a spy. Give them some hints and tips, and maybe let em sneak past you. Even if you dont do so well one map, the community is benefitted and next map he might be on your team helping you win.

That's what i've got for helpful, attainable suggestions on helping FF.
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