Thread: -TPF-
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Old 02-09-2005, 10:30 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by E-dog-TPF-
I think you're referring to Chasing in clan matches which could be seen as a tactic.... Chasing in a pub though (which was TPF's domain of influence), was RARELY used for the benifit of the team. As for Bunny-hopping, I can't see any circumstances where bunny-hopping can be considered a valid tactic. It was an exploit, which caused only greif for those on the receiving end of it.

As long as I've known of it, TPF has been about Teamplay AND Fairplay. I don't think there was ever any confusion about that. There HAS to be more to it than than what you're suggesting. If people started disliking TPF JUST because we weren't a "win at all costs" organisation, then that's just very sad.
Chasing on pubs isn't usually worthwhile... but even on pubs it's an effective tactic if you're winning on a map like rock2 or badlands. I don't think chasing is a problem unless it involves excessive defense -- though on a public server this is often the case.

As for bunnyhopping, the problem was that at the time there was a huge split in the parts of the community that liked it and those that disliked it. It was in no way a win at all costs thing; some people just preferred the game with bunnyhopping, and found it more fun than without. The fact that most people in TPF took a stance that it was an "illegal" tactic just drove a wedge between them and the rest of the community, and the TPF members that actually liked bunnyhopping were ridiculed by clan players for being in TPF. In fact, it doesn't explicity involve TPF, but in part it was the rigid banning of any explanation of bunnyhopping on the planetfortress forums that drove most of the people there away. Even after Valve implemented the bunnyhop cap, a lot of people in TPF and on planetfortress maintained that it was cheating.

TPF started as an organisation that supported teamplay on public servers. This is fine. Everyone can agree on what is good teamplay, because it's just a logical deduction. Most people can even agree on a lot of the "honour" things such as not TKing (in most circumstances) and not fighting with teammates for a defensive position. The problem was that a lot of people in TPF used TPF as a way to take a stance on things that the community as a whole was split on.

Hopefully this will not be an issue in FF, since when any unintentional features are discovered we can make an announcement on whether we think they're good for the game or not. It seems to me that many people will will dismiss something on the grounds that it's an exploit or "not intented by developers" without actually considering and weighing up the net effect on the game and whether it makes it more fun or less fun to play. Now with old bunnyhopping, and with a good deal of hindsight, a lot of people agree that it wasn't in the best interests of the game, but that new bunnyhopping is. With ramp sliding, pretty much everyone agrees that it's adding something to the game, despite being the result of a quirk in the movement code. With chop hopping, a lot of people still hated it just because it was an exploit, without considering the net effect on the game -- though even amongst those that did, opinion was divided. As developers, we can hopefully listen to the community and perform our own tests, legitimizing "exploits" when we feel they improve the game and removing them when we feel they are detrimental
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