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Old 01-11-2006, 02:43 AM   #86
o_vertical's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: USA, KY
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SITE TO UPLOAD TO: (Click "Be a Member" on the main page on the top horizontal navigation)

In reference to my map hosting which circ has listed. If you wish for your FF files (maps or whatever they may be) to be listed on the linked page, you need to sign up for an account on the site. My signup process is probably one of the easiest you will ever find :P I only need your email (for verification) and your username & password. Once you have your account, simply login, and click Upload Files (Make sure you read the guidelines or take a quick lookover) Then just provide the files information and upload away. If you have any problems what-so-ever, please contact me. Currently files over 5MB cannot be uploaded due to a limitation set by my host, I am currently working to resolve this. If this happens, please PM me and I will give you FTP information.

If you would prefer not to signup to the site for whatever reason, please email me (or however you would prefer) your map, and the following information, and I will list it in the Fortress-Forever section for you.

- File Name (For a map, whatever the map name is, for a file, whatever name you would like to name it)
- Email (if you email me, don't bother with this one)
- Weather you would like for your email to be displayed publically.
- Map or file Image/Images (Only one image per file can currently be shown, but I am working on making up to 15 or so avaliable per file.
- Mod (I assume all of you will submit maps/files for Fortress-Forever, but if you'd like to submit other mod files in the process, please do!)
- File (Your actual map or file in .zip / .exe / .rar format.)
- Description (If you'd like to say something about your map or file.)

This may seem complicated, but I assure you it is really very easy it just sounds like alot. Keep in mind I am making numerous improvements ALL THE TIME to the website, so if there is something you would like to see changed or added, please let me know as well.

Last edited by o_vertical; 07-10-2006 at 05:35 PM.
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