Thread: -TPF-
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Old 02-06-2005, 09:51 AM   #38
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I think TPF's biggest problem was that a lot of people just wore the tag for status (or because everybody else did) and consequently gave the organisation a bad name.
Yes, that's been the toughest thing to control.
But you can't preach to people that they have to be understanding & supportive, and then turn them away because of a bad experience someone in your community may have had with that person. You have to be open, and give the person a chance. If they ARE an offensive, insulting, immature person, then you talk to them and try to make them see what they are doing wrong. Try to help that person to BECOME a teamplayer. That's what TPF is all about.
'Controling' the TPF members & status could happen quite simply if the Fortress Forever team can devise a system like the Natural-Selection Constellation program & Dev/Veteran icons.
For those that do not know about the system, basically an icon appears next to your name in the score board when your SteamID is recognised. I really have a basic understanding, and that is it. Contact Charles 'Flayra' Cleveland for more info. about it if TPF and FF were to want to do something similar. That way, we know the 'real players'.
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