Thread: -TPF-
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Old 02-05-2005, 08:35 PM   #32
o_e-dog-tpf-'s Avatar
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What is your purpose? TPF didn't willingly conform to YOUR plan for us (I saw your chat with TLM), and now you're out to try and make us look bad by picking out our "mistakes"?
There is no invite, app or screening process.
But you can't preach to people that they have to be understanding & supportive, and then turn them away because of a bad experience someone in your community may have had with that person. You have to be open, and give the person a chance.
'nuff said

You obviously don't understand what TPF is trying to do. So don't try to force opinion of us onto others. I'm not going to fight with you about this. If you have a problem with us, than thats up to you. Let others think what they will.
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