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Old 02-05-2005, 08:09 AM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2005
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...hmm...i dont know i've encountered those types of respawn campers and the likes a lot. it doesnt bother me at all that much.. i mean granted the gay medics that sit outside respawn waiting for u to come out and the infect you is annoying. as is the fact of spys secondary grenading spawns. i mean when it happens i just kill them..and then problem solved...granted he'll come back for you and you will be infected but just run out and kill people until you die and then respawn and repeat. or there will always be a lapse where he wont be outside yoru respawn door. start defending and dont let him near your respawn doors.. that always worked for me. but i play demoman so its ezier to prevent people to get to places when they dont notice the green things under their feet...

but i have to admit..ive been playing tfc for a while and i still do some of htose things.. somedays u just get tired of the constant focus and you just break down and have fun by running around pointlessly doing shit. and i have hunted snipers down a few times .. mainly cuz they are annoying lil bitches that kill if you unless you conc ur way over there. but i pay them back with a newbized infect and run
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