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Old 05-28-2014, 09:14 PM   #123
Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post
On a couple of occasions I walked into Koreys (Yoda) room and people were harassing him while playing FF. I think it was Bridget who was asking Korey if he sucked his dads (meaning myself) dick. Korey had his headphones unplugged. I heard every clearly someone asking about if Korey and his dad exchanging sexual favors.
It's the same or worse in real life when you're not around. People on the internet who would say that kind of stuff either don't know you're listening or don't care because there are no repercussions anyway. When there are repercussions they'll just wait until you're not listening.

Also korey brought some of that on himself. I'm not saying he deserved one thing or another, but if you, say, bitch and then rage quit when your team is losing or you don't get your way in the pickup channel, people might start to have a negative opinion of you. Some people might take it further than you find acceptable.
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