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Old 05-27-2014, 09:01 PM   #113
worst ff player eu
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: South Yorks., England
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You guys keep saying "don't just make it into GMod" but really, the best thing to do IMO is just turn it almost completely into GMod.

Except not GMod, but the GMod Tower server for GMod. ( minus making a house and the actual minigames or whtever )

You make a master server with 64 or 128 max players, it has a big lobby area, you can access other servers through it and it shows an image of the map on a server if there's one available, you get ff credits for playing games, you spend ff credits on slight customization to your ppls, the master server tracks all your stats ( at the end of a game, html lua sends your stats to the lobby ) and you can have ingame friends and stuff and you can see what servers they're in, etc.

Not only that but that really gives a community spirit, because is on the same server ( and people chat in lobby server, not games, so you ppl who are moaning about ppl chatting in pubs are happy ). ;p

+ in chat irc - no more waiting in mirc or any of that shit
+ ff_toogood

( not only that but im more than happy to spend my time working on lua for ff that'll never be used, in fact thats what i do now anyway :l )

Then you have a Join Lobby Server button on the main menu, in addition to Server Browser in-case the Lobby is full or is down for maintenance or an update, etc.

Lobby would also let you global mute so if you dont like someone they get muted and blocked from chat on every server. Everyone loves to hate ppl right?

I mean sure, it would be a bit un-tf, but it'd be new and cool and stuff and yeah good
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive

Last edited by ddm999; 05-27-2014 at 09:05 PM.
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