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Old 08-17-2013, 07:59 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by ddm999 View Post
You can't just say 'other Steam games' because the quality of those other Steam games varies wildly like a bitch. You have good games, good games with a few bugs (dammit XCOM: EU, I got really pissed at the couple of spelling mistakes in the last mission), and horrible games which are only on Steam because whoever Valve employs to decide who uses Greenlight and who is forwarded straight to Steam is a complete fucking retard.

Anyway, chicken, all Source games have random crashes all the fcking time though, and your comment about validating files doesn't make sense to me...

You either mean you get disconnected from a server due to Steam validation failure, which happens about once a decade to people and is easy to fix, or that Steam comes up and says it needs to validate files when you try to play the game, which shouldn't happen in the first place because Fortress Forever is a mod, meaning it doesn't use .GCF files and CAN'T be validated.

I've never heard of FPS spikes, but my PC is kinda good, and I always have 200 - 300 FPS.

Anyway, Engineer is a team dependent class based on his own attributes throughout every Fortress game. His main damage dealer is a static turret that is susceptible to longer range attacks, and can also be strafed around to dodge.

If you think about it, most defensive classes ARE.

HWGuy needs to be able to get to his killing spot as fast as possible, and is slow and susceptible to backstabs when firing his AC,
Demoman is quite weak, and relies on people to keep him alive while he sets up pipes and detonates them.

Soldier is the least team dependent, as he is the fastest defensive class when used well, the quickest killer when used well, but that's the thing, "used well".

Oh, and Sniper and Pyro are just ignorant pricks and no-one gives a fcking shit.

Also, I assume dependent is American, prolly? And therefore dependant is British. Because Chrome doesn't say either are wrong spellings. CONFUSING.
I prefer dependent, though. Dependant seems like it would be de-pendant, which would be removing a pendant from someone. Well, I just brought the English language into a forum on the internet to do with video games. Bye bye.

I get this problem over half the time I try to launch it, It just ends up with saying steam servers are busy and doesn't launch.
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