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Old 08-14-2005, 12:29 PM   #71
Fortress Forever Staff
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Yeah, haha, I've been shot out of the cockpit so many times flyin' people around.

Whenever we play I'm always the pilot, and hah.. the burden of being the pilot grows heavy, haha. If there's someone else in the helicopter, like Jon, it's ok if I get sniped out of the helicopter because Jon realizes that someone needs to switch to the cockpit and fly everybody else away. Hahah, I would say Defrag too, but haha.. you have to had witnessed the finesse that he has when he's in the cockpit.. it's oh so smooth, haha.

Then there's those times when I'm flyin' around a bunch of clueless people. I dunno about clueless, but they're not as good as the people I'm used to flying around and so it's harder to keep them alive, haha. I mean, as the pilot I depend on the other people in the helicopter to be able to kill the people around us, and to let me know when there's things around us that we need to fly away from, like tanks, anti-aircraft guns, or if we're by some flag where 10 guys just spawned, haha.. cause.. that's happened before, and oh man you either gotta commit and just take out as many people before you die, or fly away and try and use some tact in a different approach.

Then there's always those scenarios where you have a bad run. I mean, I think I've gotten pretty adept at flying the helicopters, and I can take people out and we can just kick ass for an entire map, but then I get some other guys and we might have this bad run, and suddenly the pilot is, "A fuckin' god damn loser." hah, and after that happens someone else wants to fly, and that person doesn't last half as long, and just.. haha, yeah.

Annnd, haha, you always gotta be thinkin' whether or not it's worth it to hang around a flag just to die capturing it. When it's just me, Jon and Defrag we ride that wave until we die a horrible horrible death, but hopefully it worked out because we got the flag. If I have a bunch of other people with me I tend to be thinkin', "Man, I bet these people don't wanna die just yet, but haha.. what do I wanna do? I'm the pilot, baby, I do what I want!"

The point is, if you have a blackhawk full of compentent people it's damn near impossible to be stopped.

It's kinda lame that the non-Americans don't have an equivalent helicopter. They get this helicopter that's called "We get shot down" helicopter. It can seat more people that the blackhawk, but it's just an overall worthless helicopter. It's huge, it's slow, and it's good for getting shot down, and that's it. The only benefit of that helicopter is that if you have a full house you're able to capture flags very quickly, but haha... no one wants to ride in those seats with the big "Certain Death" stickers.
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