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Old 03-28-2013, 08:54 PM   #11
Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts Rated Helpful 144 Times

Faster pace, you have to hit rockets, medics do more than +gren1+gren1+gren1+gren1, hw requires better precision and reflexes, demo has to juggle helping the front line and watching the pipes on most maps. I really hated the tfc soldier style that involved using rockets mostly for prefires then shotty+nades for confrontation. I still think the good outweighs the bad in terms of gameplay.


I really thought a hardcore game and community run by hardcore gamers was a great idea when I started FF. This was really stupid in retrospect. Community run projects and gamers are oil and water. I did e-meet some fun people though especially in the early days.

TFC requires a floppy drive and a commodore 64 and my grandpa played it and other TFC is old jokes:

TFC was aging; it's players were growing up and having less free time. It's rare that "new players" as in "completely new and not 20-30 year old ex-tfc" new players will take up an 8 year old at the time game. If Fortress were to survive it would need a new and modern incarnation that would attract a new generation of players. I took up FF in the interest of keeping fortress alive, as that simply wouldn't happen with TFC or TF2. That was the dream in the beginning anyway, but it didn't happen. In 1.5 years ff will be as old as TFC was when FF came out.
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