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Old 02-27-2013, 02:49 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by XPelargos View Post
Heroin is an amazing medicine. If you're going through surgery recovery then opiates are a godsend.

They turn down the volume of the pain.

They are the warmest blanket on the coldest day.

Ecstasy and Cocaine aren't even in the same ballpark. You thought you felt good on those? They don't even compare to the waves of bliss heroin gives you. An orgasm looks like a sneeze compared to heroin.

The problem is that once you use heroin when you're sober (i.e. NOT as medicine) then all it does is MAKE THE NORMAL WORLD FEEL COLD.

And then you need that blanket again and again and again.

Stay away from heroin, guys. It's literally TOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD %h %a
I get you're just describing the feel of the drug, but to a immature kid this would sound like a great drug to use. In all honesty just stay away from any drugs unless absolutely needed even for colds.
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