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Old 12-20-2012, 10:56 PM   #30
Nade Whore
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I think all weapons should be legal to use, with the right license. I want an assault rifle, not to shoot animals, but to shoot humans. Why? Because when those 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition our government purchased not too long ago starts being used by our military/police forces on our own people, I'd much rather bring a semi-automatic rifle to a fully automatic rifle fight than have a damn pistol or a non-automatic rifle.

With that said, I don't own a gun and probably will never own one unless something drastic like that happens. I think this country focuses way too much on guns. This whole Sandy Hook Elementary shooting just got all the gun people even more crazy about buying guns and now places like Walmart are sold out of semi-autos and ammo clips in a lot of places.

I don't believe in shooting animals for sport either, but I don't think it should be illegal to do so.

Isn't it odd that in China on the same day as the Sandy Hook shooting, a man stabbed a bunch of people? Not quite putting my tin foil hat on, but it definitely made me raise an eyebrow. Didn't something similar happen around the time of another school shooting some years ago?
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