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Old 10-25-2012, 11:34 PM   #12
Join Date: Aug 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 14 Times
As much as you may or may not have fit in with the community there's no arguing that an important piece of gaming history was lost entirely because of one asshole's power trip.

Rasp didn't even play TFC. He had/has no right to destroy the last remnants of a gaming community that he literally had no part in creating.

I have gone to the catacombs forums every day of my life for almost 11 years. It was my online home. The people on that forum were part of a tight-nit niche gaming community, one of THE OLDEST online gaming communities, we all knew each other, trusted opinions, could go to each other for honest feedback and support.

Now it's fucking gone. All because Rasp stopped taking his bi-polar medication. The fucking bitch wouldn't even sell the forum to anyone in the community, he sold it to some forum squatter just to spite everyone.

Team Fortress Classic is a game that will forever hold a special place in my heart. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for that game and those forums... now there isn't even a god damn archive to reminisce over.

Last edited by; 10-25-2012 at 11:35 PM. is offline   Reply With Quote