Thread: (Beta) ff_amped
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Old 09-27-2012, 11:41 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by FDA_Approved View Post
I was pretty excited when I saw the screencap of the yard. Looks like a good map. But after playing it I have little hope for it.

It isn't optimized in the least. On any given map, if I'm just running around idle without lots of explosions I'll keep 300 fps. On this map I get under 100. Like probly 60 and dipping down constantly.

Also it's just very awkward. It's seem very confused and there is no flow to the map at all. None of the entrances to flag make sense to me.

And with what squeek is saying, it might not be a very pleasant play in the state it is. Idk if the vmf is floating around out there but this map would need a lot of work.

It does look pretty good aestheticly though.
just decompile it. i already have... bspsrc_1.3.3 is what i use (based on the ole vmex proggy). you arent the only person that sounds like you didnt know you could decompile maps. I hear it quite a bit. is it a secret or is it just plain wrong to do it? im so confused.

EDIT: here we go

Last edited by Snipe; 09-27-2012 at 11:46 PM.
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