Thread: Pyro Thread
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:19 PM   #31
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Just because it's hated in every fortress game, does not give a good enough reason to get rid of the class. That just means the Pyro has just not been done correctly. TFC Pyro was too weak. FF Pyro is too OP, and TF2, well with all the hundreds of items you can have for all the classes, some of the Pyro weapons are actually good ideas, but implemented poorly by being able to use any of those items at any given time if you have unlocked the items.

I can argue the BEST part of the Pyro is FIRE, not worst.

Afterburn is FINE, it just needs something to help combat it such as speedy movement = lowers the duration or amount of afterburn. Hitting someone with a flamethrower where it does not reach a percentage high enough would mean Afterburn would not happen to you.

So there, that's 2 ideas that would definitely improve Afterburn.

The only difference between getting pwned by a Soldier and getting pwned by a Pyro is weapons and skill level. As a Soldier, it can be more difficult to learn how to predict an enemy's movement so you can fuck someone up with the Rocket Launcher. With Pyro, you just go up to them with flamethrower and it does damage. BUT, it can still be NO FUN getting pwned by a Soldier over and over again. Any class can be a nuisance to play against with the right skill level. The Pyro just has a low skill ceiling to master as opposed to the Soldier, which is higher.

Fixing the Pyro so it takes more skill to kill someone or do enough damage to them so that it matters would be a much better idea than removing the class.

Removing a class has never been an 'innovation.' It is only a COP OUT. Taking the easy way out. If at first you don't succeed, try again. You can't just simply give up and FDA, and that is exactly what you are talking about doing. You've given up on the prospect or hope that anything could be done to make the Pyro a class that would be a benefit to this game. Instead you'd just rather get rid of him altogether. You are wrong.
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