Thread: Pyro Thread
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Old 07-07-2012, 09:33 AM   #27
Beta Tester
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did the pyro murder your family or something?

all jokes aside.. i am against removing or even nerfing the pyro in any way. the pyro is the ultimate newbie class that keeps new people wanting to play the game. nobody wants to conc or bhop anymore these days. people want to burn shit to the ground, hear people scream in agony as burning skulls approach them like fullspeed trains.

[[ ff_hotfudge - bhop_theonlyone ]]
"As the the new year approaches I await for it like an case of explosive fecalomania otherwise know as diareha or the massive shits. I am gripping the sides of the toilet as my stomach produces the first hollow thud out of the anus of the year to come." DarkeN_HellspawN

Last edited by moosh; 07-07-2012 at 10:54 AM.
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