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Old 05-27-2012, 07:36 AM   #55
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Well I just sent this to squeek through the forums, seeing as he hasn't responded to my steam friend proposal yet:

A lot of us in the FF community think that it would be a good idea to utilize the FF Steam Group to its fullest potential.

Would it be possible to give admin rights to a lot of the more active/experienced FF members and ask them if they would be willing to post numerous events and announcements within the group for things such as community events, pickups, and the like? This might help generate interest in the game from former members who have since left.

These events/announcements should be daily, if not weekly -- not too many, and not too little. There could be a sticky'd thread in the forums as well for some weekly event, like a Saturday Night pubbing event, off the top of my head as an example.

What do you think?

Sooooo hopefully something might come out of this. We shall see.

I agree with FDA; I've been talking about a ton of things that should and could happen, but I've hardly done anything. It's time to win the lottery for tournaments, advertising, and sponsorships. But I'll start with this here message.

Last edited by CaptainAhab; 05-27-2012 at 07:41 AM.
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