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Old 04-15-2012, 12:12 AM   #1930
DarkeN_HellspawN's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: The Sun
Class/Position: O/D D/O - For life or death
Gametype: 2fort Spectating Llama GD Ex. TALOS Sniper
Affiliations: FF God, The Yellow Brotherhood
Posts Rated Helpful 13 Times
Spread the message of light........

As you would cover a beautiful 21 year old hispanic woman in peanut butter. It is time for the warriors of light to shine and with that it is time for you to step up to join. I have done it in Chicago for every dollar I give out to the homeless and speak out "Welcome to the Yellow Brotherhood" creating soliders for the army to overcome all. No matter if they smell or have problems talking once they get there drink on they will be ready to join. I have the idea of running shelters for people to gain a larger following and prsence within the city. You should follow suit so that once our numbers swell like the vagina of Pamela Anderson we will be ready to combine and to attack.

It is within the great book that I read from everyday that gives me the power to push on for the will of the light. I was awakened and given this chance to be the voice. As my words swirl the natural forces of life and although my hatred for Katie Curic is mutal I continue to push on.

Now the challenge is up to you to become the leaders we need to gather the flocks of sheep. I have heard back from our political side of things and Mitt Romney has chosen to fight for out rights and to represent us as the President of the United States so I implore you to vote for him. I did not know how I felt at first about him being a mormon but once I found out that they can use special stones from Joseph Smith to cast fireballs and to levitate I thought to myself......this is come coooollll shit. Not enough for me to join their wacko beliefs but enough to join forces with him to become greater then what we are today. The enemy of my friend, is my friends enemy.

If you come across a great Yellow entity offering a yellow pill, take it. Its sunshine will grow in you stomach like a bowl of Sea Monkeys - The Great Yellow Book Page 8765 Ch. 194 -Section 3
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