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Old 01-08-2012, 06:36 AM   #22
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Let's give every class caltrops, just for one patch.

It could be released on April 1st, but it would be the best patch EVER, and I bet servers would start using that patch as the default.

But honestly, yeah, nerf the laser gren back to somewhere reasonable, make the center a temporary platform, etc. Could be cool, I guess. You could even make it so the lasergren blocks people who run into the center, so you could throw it a bit higher, prevent them from jumping over it, making them have to crouch to get past.

And can we revert the rocket radius nerf, though? I felt it was completely unnecessary, since that wasn't that big an issue in fights, but it REALLY fucks with my mojo when rjumping. <3 etc
7:00 PM - zE: eh tbh i like some stuff in us but a lot of stuff in us messes with my nerves
7:00 PM - zE: like watching fox news
7:00 PM - zE: its like wtf
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