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Old 12-02-2011, 10:56 AM   #1
Everyones favorite FreaK
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Originally Posted by DarkeN_HellspawN View Post
Lets make the Talos server the defacto server for everyone in the FF forum community to use. It is the best all around server in my views and you will not get banned for language. There are a few rules as of any server but none that take away from the purity or the fun factor from FF.
I went on FF last night, and joined Talos first, and it was hard to play on, so many settings have been changed, jump pads launch you huge distances, the nail grenade is obviously there, and super powered, and just generally the movement seemed alien to me, I was failing to conc half of the time.

The two "main" servers, as in Talos and OT have different playerbases completely, the majority of the regular OT players will rarely or never join Talos. And the majority of Talos players are probably banned from OT... I say leave it up to the player where they want to play, two completely different environments that suit different people, with variables such as maturity, the style of gameplay, welcome to new players, respect and more. The only thing they have in common is being on Fortress Forever.

Also, what are the "few rules" of Talos?, I'm curious.
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