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Old 11-29-2011, 12:43 PM   #39
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I don't think we need to start another endless conversation about OT. Thew two opposing sides will never agree.

As far as players go, people don't want to play anymore. The people that do play are waiting for more people to play, like myself. I log on and see no one there so I log off and check again later. I do this until people are playing, but very rarely do I find a server with people on it. People says bots would help, because they would get people to play on a server with no one else playing and boost the numbers up slowly. I know I can only play with bots for so long before I crave human conversation. The game is fun, but only with people playing. I say the game is fun the way it is. Without changes. The basics are all there. There are little things that can change and improve, but there always are. Freaking out and screaming about those little things have most likely caused the most harm. But that's in the past.

Money for advertising is silly. But spreading the word isn't bad. When an update comes out we get players, because we get attention. We need more attention that's all.
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