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Old 07-28-2011, 04:55 PM   #69
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ruining #pickups
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Posts Rated Helpful 26 Times
>>standard 2.43 laser grens weak
>>overpressure not good enough
>>slowfield more annoying to play against than mirvs
>>implying idiocy

Rather than give 2.43 a few months to see how it works out (probably very WELL, I'd imagine), both of the servers decided to herpaderp and customize their shit. Mods of a mod of a mod of a mod are okay IF there are enough people playing the game. With maybe 40-50 people on on the best of nights, it's dumb.

The only 'mod' I would ever support is, if they change push mechanics (concs, rockets, pipes, etc) - reverting it solely for a skill server. All these changes have no place on a pub server. I didn't mind the gas grenade because removing it without a replacement was gay. But all this shit going on now? Childish.

The only change I kinda like is 4 emps. Not because he really -needs- it, but because I hate watching a dropbags+emp doing a grand total of maybe 130 damage, and then I need a ton more emps to actually kill someone.
7:00 PM - zE: eh tbh i like some stuff in us but a lot of stuff in us messes with my nerves
7:00 PM - zE: like watching fox news
7:00 PM - zE: its like wtf
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