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Old 06-28-2011, 02:55 PM   #71
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Gametype: AvD, I/D, waterpolo, hunted
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Having the jump pad only destroyable by melee weapons doesn't sound very good. It depends on the map, but having the jump pad vulnerable to fire really makes a difference now, usually in a positive sense. For AvD and I/D maps in particular, in the past if a scout could last long enough to get a jump pad down in a hot zone, it's almost like moving the front line forward for the entire team. Anyone who gets there can fly forward and D in the past couldn't do anything to stop it. Making it melee-attackable doesn't solve the problem of allowing O to basically "skip over" real hot zones because usually there's a bunch of fire from both sides.

A scout can build a jump pad from around the corner of a lot of fire and still be okay, whereas the defender trying to destroy the pad via melee would have to run up to the thick of the action and die probably before he ever got to it.
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