Thread: I Don't Hack
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Old 06-24-2011, 07:55 PM   #28
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Phrases like "That sure does seem suspicious" isn't a very solid arguement, it involves no hard evidence, it's mearley the opinion of someone who really doesn't know what they're doing. Someone credible would have to come out and say if he was hacking or wasn't hacking for me to actually take a side, and nobody of that reputation has said anything yet.

I do find it funny though reading stuff like "Oh he was making unbelievable shots then as soon as we went to spec him he was mediocre at best". Okay, lets say he was a hacker, how obvious do you think it would be if he made some hacked shots on you, and you instantly jumped into spec to record him?

I mean seriously, it'd be like a couple cops staking out a drug house in a cop car with their lights and sirens on.

I remember back in TFC when I was an admin on a server and we wanted to catch a hacker we'd have to be cleverer than the hacker to do it, sometimes the hacker wasn't that clever and it was pretty easy, but other times it took multiple people through the course of a couple weeks secretly watching and reviewing logs and recorded demos with tools specifically designed to show us much more, to finally get the guy to slip up. None of that "Hmm that sure is suspicious" crap, that sure wouldn't hold up in any court of law.

Last edited by Hammock; 06-24-2011 at 07:55 PM.
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